Title: REMORA – Small fishes in a big pond
Funding Programme: Horizon Europe
ERINN’s Role: Strategic support and training for research organisations in Europe’s outermost regions to boost EU funding competitiveness
Coordinator: ARDITI, Portugal
Duration: June 2024 – May 2027 (36 months)
Budget: €1.2 million
Title: Implementing socio-ecological models into the European Digital Twin Ocean to guide real-world problem-solving and policy creation
Funding Programme: European Union Horizon 2020
ERINN’s Role: WP1 Co-creation, Stakeholder Management, Dissemination, Communication, Exploitation & Ocean Literacy; WP5 Project Management
Coordinator: NORCE, Norway
Duration: 2024 – 2027
Budget: €3.4 million
Full title: Aquatic Pollution from Light and Anthropogenic Noise: Management of Impacts on Biodiversity
Funding Programme: Horizon Europe
ERINN’s role: WP6 Ensuring Impact, Dissemination, Exploitation, Communication and Outreach (DECO)
Coordinator: University of Pisa (UNIPI), Italy
Duration: January 2024 – December 2027 (48 months)
Budget: €2.6 million
Marine BeaconMarine Beacon
Full title: Monitoring and elimination of bycatch of endangered and conserved species in the NE and high seas Atlantic region
Funding Programme: Horizon Europe
ERINN’s role: WP2 Dissemination, Exploitation, Communication and Outreach (DECO)
Coordinator: Marine Institute (MI), Ireland
Duration: 54 months
Budget: €8.8 million
Full title: Sustainable, Secure And Competitive Energy Through Scaling Up Advanced Biofuel Generation
Funding Programme: Horizon Europe
ERINN’s role: WP2 Fostering International Cooperation
Coordinator: Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), Turkey
Duration: September 2023 – August 2027 (48 months)
Budget: €3 million
Full title: Preventing, avoiding and mitigating environmental impacts of fishing gears and associated marine litter
Funding Programme: Horizon Europe
ERINN’s role: WP1 Data Management Plan and WP5 on Knowledge Transfer, Exploitation & Innovation Potential
Coordinator: CIIMAR (Portugal)
Duration: 1 May 2023 – 30 April 2026 (36 months)
Budget: €2.17 million
Title: Delivering soil improvers through improved recycling and processing solutions for food industry residues streams
Funding Programme: Horizon Europe
ERINN’s Role: WP6 Dissemination, Exploitation & Communication
Coordinator: Natural Resources Institute Finland – Luke
Duration: June 2023 – June 2027
Budget: €7 million
Title: Blueprint For Atlantic-Arctic Agora On Cross-Sectoral Cooperation For Restoration Of Marine And Coastal Ecosystems And Increased Climate Resilience Through Transformative Innovation
Funding Programme: Horizon Europe
ERINN’s Role: WP1 Setting the right enabling conditions for delivering upscaling, WP5 Communication and Community Development.
Duration: December 2022 – May 2026 (42 months)
Budget: €9.7 million
Title: Harnessing the marine microbiome for novel sustainable biogenics and ecosystem services.
Funding Programme: Horizon Europe
ERINN’s Role: WP6 Communication, Dissemination, Outreach and Exploitation
Coordinator: EMBL-EBI (UK) and CNRS (France)
Duration: December 2022 – November 2025 (48 months)
Budget: €9.2 million
Title: Curing EU aquaculture by co-creating health and welfare innovations
Funding Programme: Horizon Europe
ERINN’s Role: WP8 Ensuring Impact: Dissemination, Communication, Exploitation & Training
Coordinator: BCAS, Czechia
Duration: November 2022 – April 2027
Budget: €4.8 million
Title: Strengthening biodiversity observation in support of decision making
Funding Programme: Horizon Europe
ERINN’s Role: WP7 Communication and Dissemination
Coordinator: European Marine Biological Resource Centre – European Research Infrastructure Consortium (EMBRC-ERIC), France
Duration: December 2022 – November 2026 (48 months)
Budget: €7.3 million
Title: Socio-economic empowerment of the users of the sea
Funding Programme: Horizon Europe
ERINN’s Role: WP6 Communication, Dissemination, Exploitation and Ocean Literacy
Coordinator: Nordland Research Institute, Norway
Duration: October 2022 – September 2025
Budget: €6.2 million
Title: Support the R&I goals of the ‘Mission: Restore our Ocean & Waters’ and facilitate its successful implementation
Funding Programme: HORIZON-MISS-2021-OCEAN-01
ERINN’s Role: WP4 Knowledge Management for R&D core: Identifying and Transferring Knowledge/Solutions to Support the Mission
Coordinator: L’Institut Français de Recherche pour L’Exploitation de la Mer, France
Duration: June 2022 – May 2025
Budget: €4.9 million
Title: Water-based solutions for carbon storage, people and wilderness
Funding Programme: European Union’s Horizon 2020
ERINN’s Role: WP7 Communication, Dissemination, Knowledge Management & Exploitation of Results
Coordinator: University College Dublin, Ireland
Duration: December 2021 – November 2026 (60 months)
Budget: €23.6 million
Title: Smart Control of the Climate Resilience in European Coastal Cities
Funding Programme: European Union Horizon 2020
ERINN’s Role: WP9 Dissemination, communication, exploitation
Coordinator: The Atlantic Technological University Sligo – ATU (Ireland)
Duration: July 2021 – June 2025 (48 months)
Budget: €10 million
Title: Marine Biodiversity as Sustainable Resource of Disease-Suppressive Microbes and Bioprotectants for Aquaculture and Crop Diseases
Funding Programme: European Union Horizon 2020
ERINN’s Role: WP7 Dissemination, Communication, IP Protection, KT & Stakeholder Engagement
Coordinator: Universiteit Leiden, the Netherlands
Duration: May 2021 – April 2026 (60 months)
Budget: €7.5 million
Title: Integrated Healthcare for Multimorbid Elderly Patients.
Funding Programme: European Union Horizon 2020
ERINN’s Role: WP7: Dissemination, Exploitation, and Communication
Coordinator: University of Southern Denmark
Duration: April 2021 – September 2025
Budget: €6.1 million
LIFE IP Peatlands and PeopleLIFE IP Peatlands and People
Title: Ireland’s Climate Action Catalyst: Improvements across 9,900ha of peatlands in the project
Funding Programme: European Union’s LIFE Programme
ERINN’s Role: Pillar 2, management, communications
Coordinator: Bord na Móna
Duration: October 2020 – September 2027
Budget: €9.8 million
Title: Technologies for ocean sensing
Funding Programme: HORIZON 2020
ERINN’s Role: WP12 KT, Exploitation & Impact
Coordinator: National Oceanography Centre (NOC), United Kingdom
Duration: October 2020 – September 2024
Budget: €8.9 million
Title: Circular processing of seawater brines from saltworks for recovery of valuable raw materials
Funding Programme: HORIZON 2020
ERINN’s Role: WP10 Communication, Dissemination, KT & Exploitation
Coordinator: University of Palermo, Italy (UNIPA)
Duration: June 2020 – May 2024 (48 months)
Budget: €5.8 million
Title: Towards the sustainable development of the Atlantic Ocean: mapping & assessing the present & future status of Atlantic marine ecosystems under the influence of climate change & exploitation
Funding Programme: HORIZON 2020
ERINN’s Role: WP9 Societal Engagement & Communication
Coordinator: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU), Denmark
Duration: September 2020 – August 2025
Budget: €11.5 million
Title: Aquaculture infrastructure for excellence in European fish research 3.0
Funding Programme: European Union Horizon 2020
ERINN’s Role: WP3 Capacity Building, Communication, Dissemination & Impact
Coordinator: INRAE
Duration: November 2020 – October 2025
Budget: €9.9 million
Title: Biobased gears as solutions for the creation of an eco-friendly offshore aquaculture sector, in a multitrophic approach, and new biobased value chains.
Funding Programme: EASME European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF)
ERINN’s Role:WP7 Dissemination, Communication & Outreach
Coordinator: AZTI, Spain
Duration: November 2019 – October 2022 (36 Months)
Budget: €1.1 million
Title: Sustainable solutions for bio-based plastics on land and sea
Funding Programme: European Union Horizon 2020
ERINN’s Role: WP7 Communication, Dissemination, KT & Exploitation
Coordinator: Instituto Tecnológico del Embalaje, Transporte y Logística (ITENE), Spain
Duration: October 2019 – March 2024 (54 months)
Budget: €10.2 million
Title: Renewables for clean energy buildings in a future power system
Funding Programme: European Union Horizon 2020
ERINN’s Role: WP1 Project management and coordination, and WP8 Communication, Dissemination, KT & Exploitation
Coordinator: WIP Renewable Energies
Duration: 2019 – 2023 (48 Months)
Budget: €4.9 million